Saturday, November 30, 2019

Summary of Attitude That Attract Success free essay sample

He is also the president of New Hope International, a ministry dedicated to developing emerging leaders to plant twenty-first-century churches. The author of Doing Church as a Team. Wayne has planted churches in the continental United States, Guam, Samoa, Japan, the Philippines and Europe. He travels extensively as a speaker, recording artist and church consultant. Wayne and his wife, Anna, live in Hawaii with their children, Amy, Aaron, and Abigail. Summary: The book â€Å"Attitudes that Attracts Success† is a book of inspiration and knowledge about how our attitude can attract success. Wayne Cordeiro emphasized the advantages of those people who have good attitude than those who have a broken attitude. It is like finding two people who attended the same school, had the same teachers, shop at the same store, live in the same city and even attend in the same church. One struggles and the other is successful. Why? It is all because of attitude. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Attitude That Attract Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our attitude is important because it is the one which drives our lives. In this book, Wayne Cordeiro enlisted the things that we need to do to be able to improve our attitude that can attract success. Each chapter contains different inspirational stories that are connected to the main topic. The first chapter was entitled â€Å"Make Your Choice†. The Sermon on the Mount – perhaps Jesus’ most famous sermon – addresses our attitudes. Theologians have called this series of teachings the Beatitudes. His lesson could be summed up this way: â€Å"Your attitudes will determine what you will be. † Jesus knew that developing a correct perspective on life was critically important to our lives and to our ministries, and so He spoke first and often on that very topic. In fact, before Jesus taught His disciples about miracles, discipleship or how to deal with the Pharisees, He taught them about attitudes. Every phrase of the Beatitude deals with building right attitudes because they become the lamp of the body, the very way we see and interpret the world around us. An interesting scientific theorem states that if your basic premise is inaccurate, then every subsequent conclusion thereafter will also be inaccurate. What this means is that if you are solving a math problem and you begin by determining 2+2 = 5, then all of your following calculations will be incorrect. Likewise, if my core attitudes and perspectives toward life and people are skewed, and then I too will experience massacre after massacre in the form of devastated relationships, foiled expectations and broken dreams. Jesus knew that from the core of our beings, we need to develop a right attitude toward life. Let our eyes and attitude be clear and every conclusion that we will have will have a potential for success. Believing that you can change is the main topic that was tackled on the second chapter of the book. No one has given an unalterable attitude. We are all capable to change but it is up to us. We are the one who is going to decide if how we are going to approach life and develop that kind of attitude. A new attitude doesn’t happen on its own. We must develop it, and the sooner we begin the better. Some people hide behind the excuse that they just can’t change: â€Å"I’ve been this way since I was a kid, and I’m not about to change now. † It’s never too late to change. Change is indispensable to growth. If you stop changing, you stop growing. And if you stop growing, you’re in trouble. What do you call a tree that has stopped growing? That’s right, dead. It’s no different with people. When they stop growing, they start dying. Some people stopped growing years ago. We might not bury them until they have stopped moving, but they really died years ago. You can change your attitude. When we refuse to change and resist God’s leading, life can become pretty miserable. Nevertheless, many times we won’t change until the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Failure is not when you get knocked down. Failure is when you refuse to get back up. Don’t hang around the swamps of despair. They will only skew you attitude and impede your resilience. Learn to bounce back quickly. Our attitude will either protect us or defeat us in the midst of storms. Let us develop our attitude well. Train your eyes to see what is good was emphasized on the third chapter of the book. All our lives, we have trained our eyes to see what is bad. From an early age, we have been training ourselves incorrectly. We get up and read the morning newspaper over breakfast, getting our minimum daily requirement of bad news. On the way to work, we stop by the newsstand and by the latest issue of a newspaper so we can find out what’s wrong with the world. We have to retrain our eyes. The reason is this: Whatever we’re looking for is what we will see. That’s how God made us. If we are looking for something good, we will see what is good. If we are always looking for what is wrong with people, what we will see is everything that is wrong. One way to cultivate staying power is to change your definition of an event or circumstance. After all, the way in which you define your circumstances will determine, to a large degree, how you will respond to that event. Let us consider it all joy, and watch our faith grow. Chapter four was all about raising the bar of excellence. Developing our attitude is like developing our skill on a musical instrument- it takes consistent practice to improve. Let us do something to excel more. Realize the potential inside you. God does not insist that we raise the bar a foot at a time. One inch is fine. This means incrementally increasing your abilities. Keep improving yourself for the sake of the kingdom of God, whether it be the depth of your faith, the way you treat people or the way you think. Improve this by 1 percent every day, and the potential God has placed in you will begin to emerge. But first, you must be willing to raise the bar. Play the right background music was discussed on the book’s fifth chapter. God created every human being with a built-in surround-sound music system. It resembles the on-hold music you hear when you’re waiting to talk to your doctor or the music wafts through the mall to entice you to buy more. Our internal music is composed of the thoughts we think over and over. These include selected memories – maybe something our parents once told to us, a word of encouragement from a teacher or the way we felt when we weren’t picked to be on the team or to be someone’s best friend. As we dwell on memories, experiences and thoughts, they are recorded on the soundtrack of our minds and play continuously all day long. Whatever you play on this internal sound system affects everything about you- your attitude, your self-image, your confidence level, your relationships, the way you communicate with others and even your faith. Each of us gets to determine what music we are going to play. You are a disc jockey, choosing your own theme songs. Doesn’t that seem wonderful? We get to play the music of our choice to accompany us all throughout the day. We can choose from every grand sound track, opera or melodious composition ever written! The reality is that most of us make some very odd musical choices. Some of our tapes and CDs have deep scratches on them. Some are so old, they’re like the 78-rpm vinyl records of decades ago- old songs, old experiences that should long have been forgotten or forgiven. You are the disc jockey. What is your playlist? You get to make the selections, so choose wisely! If your thinking is poor, so will your perspective be. And if your perspective is poor, so will your decisions be. Protect yourself well, guarding your thought-life and stewarding all that goes on in your mind. Then you will be able to stand your ground against Satan, against becoming a people of the lie. And when everything is done, you will be left standing, victorious. In the sixth chapter, it was said that we must practice, practice, and practice! As with learning any sport or musical instrument, the more you practice developing an attitude of excellence, the more proficient you’ll become at it. Learning to develop a good attitude doesn’t happen by accident. It needs to be intentional and deliberate- nothing less. You first attempts may seem awkward, but keep practicing. Practice the virtue of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control. Take time to practice these characters and qualities God wants to build in you and express through you. The more you practice these things, the more fruitful you’ll be in your attitude, business, ministry, and family. Never give up was emphasized on the seventh chapter. Let us all agree on one thing: Every one of us will have the dubious honor of being and receiving end of life’s setbacks- frequently. We all experience speed bumps in life. Suffering is inevitable, but misery is an option. Suffering will change you, but not necessarily for the better. You can let your setbacks become stumbling blocks or make them stepping stones. Life can make us bitter or better. All of us have stumbled, and many of us have often run the wrong way. But God is not done with us. Granted, there will be a few fumbles and misguided moves on the fields of our lives. Still, He prods us back into the game. He believes in us. The game is not over yet! The prerequisite for restoration is not performance; it is love. Love will always be God’s highest test. Don’t put a magnifying glass on failure. Put your magnifying glass on love, and it will help you see things the way Jesus does. That’s always the best way to look at things. Finish well. We have only one life to live for Jesus on this earth, and it will soon be over. Time passes quickly. It is like rewinding a videotape: the closer it gets to home, the faster it goes! So it is with each of us. Don’t live with a squandered life. Since you have only one life to give, live it well. What separates a futile life from a fruitful one? Your attitude will be the difference between existing and living. Your most important life decision will be your choice of whether or not to follow Jesus Christ. Your choice to open your heart to Him will be the most eternal decision you will ever make. If you have not done that, don’t hesitate for another moment. There is no greater choice than to choose Him to be the Lord in your life, no matter how many possessions you own, how much money you have made or how much power you have accumulated. Just because you are a Christian does not guarantee fruitfulness. Anyone can develop an attitude that attracts success. You don’t have to be a world-famous evangelist to shine. Just start by shining your light to those around you every day. And what is the beacon through which your light will shine to those around you? Your extraordinary attitude! Each of us can live an extraordinary life with an attitude of excellence, but it must be diligently cultivated. Here are some keys of building extraordinary attitude: Aim for the right target. An attitude that attracts success begins with knowing which opportunities to accept and which to reject. This way you will begin to develop not just an existence but a life that is about answering God’s call every single day. Remember, first aim for the right target. What are you aiming for? What is your goal? That will determine the race you run. Run the right race. God sets a different race before each and every one of us. You cannot run someone else’s race; you can only run your own. If you run the wrong race, you’ll end up at the wrong finish line. Understand what satisfies your soul. Contentment cannot be acquired directly. Rather, it is a by- product of a life that is focused on the right things. Truly content people are those whose aim in life is something much bigger than attaining mere contentment alone. If your sole aim is to acquire possessions and money in order to be comfortable and content, then contentment will be as elusive as butterfly. Learn to understand what satisfies your soul; otherwise, you will never develop an attitude of true contentment. You’ll always be looking for a good time but never finding it. Make contentment an inside job. Contentment is vital in developing an extraordinary attitude. It’s the final critical key in our process. Each of these four keys seems simple, but each is eternally priceless. Remember, start off right by aiming for the right target, the one God has for you as you â€Å"run your particular race to win†. The next step is just to do it. Run the right race. The last two go hand in hand. Understand what satisfies your soul, and do so by learning contentment. With these keys in hand, you’ll be able to run your race and finish well! The last chapter is all about going back to the source. Your attitude, in essence, is the expression of your faith and the display of your character. The bottom line of developing an attitude that attracts success is not simply found in positive thinking. We must go beyond a positive outlook. God is the only one who can change the human heart. The government can’t, money won’t and ideal circumstances don’t. Without God, our efforts will be futile at best. Developing a world-class attitude takes decisiveness, commitment, perseverance and willingness to be effective at this thing called life. Your attitude is, in essence, the expression of your faith and the display of your character. It is not simply the result of positive thinking. It is the result of Jesus Christ’s working in your life moment to moment and your cooperation with His instructions. The Bible is our attitude instruction manual. When God’s word fills our minds, we can’t help but to develop a better attitude. We all will have two teachers in life: the teacher of wisdom and the teacher of consequences. Both are tremendous teachers, and you will learn from both. There is a price that must be paid to be enrolled in each class. However, the price that must be paid for the teaching of consequences can cost you everything you have. For some, it has cost them years; others have paid with their future, and for still others, it has cost them their families. You will have no doubt learned from consequences, but she can be a cruel taskmaster. Wisdom, on the other hand, comes from lessons learned vicariously through others consequences. You can learn from others’ experiences without having to go through the pain yourself. But there is a price for obtaining wisdom as well, because wisdom requires you to develop something called discipline. When you would rather get angry than be patient, discipline is painful! When you want to tell someone off but you know it would be wiser to let it go, this also can be painful. Be aware that the pain of discipline will cost you pennies, whereas the pain of regret can cost you millions. Wisdom can come from many different sources. We can learn a great deal by experiencing every new thing firsthand and feeling pangs of consequences, but they may not be the best way. Experience can be a good teacher, but wisdom is far more desirable. Prayer is the time for making an attitude adjustment. Prayer is one more elusive exercise in a Christian’s life. It’s a bit like watering a plant: You may not see immediate results, but if the discipline of prayer is neglected, the consequences can be disastrous. Prayer must be a habit- a daily habit. Developing attitude that attracts success is a choice. The most important decision you will ever make in life is your decision to follow Jesus Christ. This decision will determine the eternity of your life. The second most important decision you’ll make will be the attitude with which you will follow the Lord. This decision will determine the quality of your life. Never stop learning. Make it a lifelong goal. Discover new truths and insights that will awaken your spirit. New horizons will help you to look ahead and focus on your potential rather than on your problems, on your future rather than on your failures. Here are three ways that adopting and maintaining a positive attitude will create more opportunities than you ever thought possible: 1) A positive attitude will help you recognize opportunities as they appear in your life. Its important to understand that all sorts of opportunities surround you every day, but most of them pass by unnoticed. The ones that we do notice are the ones that are in alignment with our attitudes. Theres no magic to it, really just a matter of focus. If you maintain a positive attitude, you will naturally notice people, opportunities, and circumstances that have the potential to positively affect your life. Conversely, if you adopt a negative attitude, the only circumstances and people you will notice are negative ones. Either way, those things that are not in alignment with our attitudes are filtered out by our minds. To use a rather mundane example have you ever been car shopping, and thinking of buying a particular model (for this example, lets say a Honda Accord)? Chances are, it probably didnt take long before you started seeing Accords everywhere. You noticed them in traffic, you saw them in parking lots, you encountered advertisements for Accords uddenly they seemed to be everywhere you looked! Now, did a swarm of Honda Accords really start placing themselves where you would see them? Of course not! They were there all along, but you just started noticing them when your mind was focused on the possibility of purchasing an Accord. People, opportunities, and circumstances work in much the same way. When you adopt a positive attitude, youll start noticing positive opportunities and people. They were there all along, but you didnt see them until you changed your mental focus. If you did see them, you probably didnt notice the potential they had to positively affect your life. 2) A positive attitude attracts positive people. We naturally gravitate toward people who exude happy, positive vibes. Given the choice, would you rather spend the day with someone who saw the world as being full of possibilities, or with someone who moped around and blamed everyone and everything around them for their failures and unhappiness? Attracting the company of positive people will open up even more opportunities for success. The people who gravitate to you will be open to helping you making a contact for you, inviting you to an enriching event, lending their efforts to help you achieve your goals simply because you have lifted their spirits with your positive energy! 3) A positive attitude will give you more energy and allow you to accomplish more. Worry, anger, self-pity, and other negative emotions are HUGE energy drains how easy is it to get out of bed in the morning and attend to the activities that will contribute to your success, when youre feeling sorry for yourself and dwelling on all of the negative aspects of your life? A positive attitude makes the difference between dragging yourself out of bed, even more tired than when you went to bed, and springing out of bed before the alarm goes off, ready to meet the opportunities each day has to offer. The extra energy you get from maintaining a positive attitude lets you work more efficiently, take on new activities, and create the circumstances for your own success. And when its time to turn in for the night, youll feel even better knowing that every action you took throughout the day contributed to that success. Ready to create your own proof? Then try this simple exercise: Decide for one day that youre going to maintain a positive attitude no matter what. You dont have to worry about how simply making the committed decision to spend one day with a positive mental focus will take care of the how. When negative thoughts arise (and they will), acknowledge them and let them go. Dont judge them this will only serve to facilitate further negative thinking, because youll mentally beat yourself up for having the negative thoughts in the first place. Instead, view them as if youre watching a television commercial, or looking at a billboard. This helps you emotionally separate from your negative thoughts, so you can easily let them go. Doing this only leaves room in your day for positive thoughts. Your day doesnt have to be perfectly positive in fact, even the most positive people still encounter negative emotions and thought patterns but making the mental commitment to maintain a positive focus will place you far ahead of people who allow them to constantly be mired in negative thinking. More than any other factor, the condition of your attitude will determine the quality of your relationships with other people, whether you can turn a problem into a blessing or whether you become a victim of defeat or a student of success. The simple fact that attitude â€Å"makes† some while â€Å"breaking† others is a significant enough reason for us to explore how it works and how it is cultivated. The attitude we develop will cause us to see life either as a series of opportunities or in terms of our probabilities for failure. How a person defines life’s events will do more than anything else to determine his or her potential for success in life. How true it is that you are one attitude away from a bright future! III. ANALYSIS This book is for leaders, businesspeople, homemakers and young people. No matter what our background is or what our occupation may be, the principles of this book can transform our lives and relationships. The only prerequisite is that we’ll be an avid student of life. Many people are not that far from a life of joy and success. Just a few adjustments and life would come loud and clear for them. Like a radio that’s not tuned quite right, the music can be heard but it’s full of static and fades in and out. A small turn of the dial would recalibrate the frequency by just a few hertz. Then, all of a sudden, the scratchy signal is transformed into a stereophonic symphony of sound. Our attitude is where that small adjustment must be made. Attitude can mean difference between success and failure. Someone once said that the difference between people is very small, but that very small difference is very big indeed! Living a life of joy and success is something God has already wired into our design. God has planned our future to be one of success. He takes no joy or glory in a mediocre life. Fruitfulness is what God wants for each of us, and He’s ready to help us achieve it! Just like what Wayne Cordeiro said, â€Å"Our attitude is like a fragrance that we carry around with us. The difference is that skunks carry a bad odor while a beautiful Hawaiian plumeria blossom carries a fragrance. Whether we like it or not, each of us carries one of the above. We are the one who are going to choose which odor we are going to carry. † We are what we are today because of our past experiences. This was included in Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytical theory. He also believed that our past experiences motivate us. On the other hand, in the individual psychology of Alfred Adler, he believed that our dreams and our future are our motivation. These theories are applicable in this book because our past experiences and our future or dreams are our motivation to have a good attitude that can be a key to success.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Australian ecotherms and endotherms

Australian ecotherms and endotherms Australian ectotherms and endothermsA- TYPES OF TEMPERATURE REGULATION1- The cat, human and platypus could be described as true endotherms, as they all maintain a relatively constant internal body temperature that is independent of the external temperature. As the environmental temperature rises from 5C to 40C, the humans body temperature remains constant, the cat's and the platypus' increases by around 3 ¢Ã‚ «C.2- The lizard and echidna are ectotherms as their body temperature fluctuates according to the temperature of the external environment. The lizard's body temperature rises by 25C and the echidna by 10C as the external temp rises.3- All animals are either clearly ectotherms or endotherms apart from the echidna. Although the body temperature of this animal increases with the external temperature, it does not increase as clearly as the lizard's. An explanation for this could be that the echidna maintains a higher level of ability to control over internal temperature than the l izard, which has a very limited ability to do so.Thermogram image of two ostriches4- All enzymes and other molecules function within a limited temperature range. Unless the body temperature is maintained at these optimal conditions, the rate of enzyme-catalysed reactions decreases and the organism will not function properly.B- SOME METHODS OF MAMMALIAN TEMPERATURE REGULATIONObservation Explanation Type of adaptationEchidna's living in cold regions hibernate during the winter Hibernation is used to keep the animal's body temperature constantly warm by removing itself from the cold environment BehaviouralYour skin often looks quite flushed on a hot day This is due to the vasodilation of arterioles PhysiologicalMany Australian marsupials salivate and lick their fur on hot days Saliva is used as a way to cool down, much like sweating BehaviouralWhales have a thick layer of blubber under skin This layer provides insulation from the cold water...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Texas A M Acceptance Rate and Admissions Requirements

In many ways, Texas A&M is the consummate big college. It has over 50,000 undergrads, a city setting, and a campus that spans 5,200 acres. It offers quality academic and athletic programs, along with all the resources one would expect from such a large institution. For students looking for a true big college experience, Texas A&M has a lot to offer. Founded in 1876, Texas A&M was originally the Agriculture and Mechanical College of Texas. Today, it is just Texas A&M and offers 16 colleges and schools, 5,000 faculty, and 130 undergraduate degree programs. In addition to its home base in College Station, Texas, Texas A&M also offers a maritime branch in Galveston, Texas, an engineering branch in Doha, Qatar, and program centers in Mexico and Costa Rica. Texas A&M ranks in the top 100 public universities and ranks first among public universities for the number of students studying abroad. In addition, it has recently landed among the top five in the US News and World Reports categories of â€Å"best value†, â€Å"most affordable†, â€Å"best outcomes for low-income students†, and â€Å"student engagement†. If you’re interested in taking advantage of all that Texas A&M has to offer, don’t miss this post. Texas A&M accepts the Coalition Application or ApplyTexas . Official SAT or ACT score reports are required, as is an essay . You’ll also need to submit the standard application components of a high school transcript and an application fee or fee waiver. Teacher recommendations are optional, but if submitted, only the first two submitted will be considered. Texas A&M does not offer admissions interviews. Texas A&M opens admissions season early, with the office accepting applications beginning July 1st. The deadline for regular admissions applications is December 1st. Engineering majors can apply through the Early Action program, which has an October 15 deadline. Note that if a deadline falls on a weekend, the application will remain open until 11:59 PM  (CST) on the following Monday. This does not apply to the Early Action Deadline for engineering. Additional required documents will be accepted until 5:00pm (CST) on that Monday. In recent years, the acceptance rate at Texas A&M has pretty consistently been around 65-70% . This might seem like a fairly easy school to get into just based on that, but in reality, it’s a little more complex than that. Remember, Texas A&M is a huge school. There were over 37,000 applicants for the class of 2022. Of these, just 26,000 were offered a place in the incoming class. It may be tempting to take the acceptance rate at Texas A&M lightly, but this would be a mistake. Though the acceptance rate in 2018 was 70%, it’s important to remember that there were still 11,000 applicants who did not get in. US News and World Reports still considers Texas A&M a moderately selective school, and if you want to score a place there, you’ll need to make sure you meet all its admissions requirements. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Texas A&M requires all applicants to submit either the SAT with Essay or the ACT with Essay. Test scores are listed as a very important factor in admissions. The 75% of admitted students who submitted SAT scores received a composite score at or above 1140, while 75% of admitted students who submitted ACT scores received a composite score at or above 25. SAT Subject Tests are not required for admissions to Texas A&M, but can be used as placement exams. SAT and ACT writing sections are only considered as a method for validating college application essays. In addition to test scores, Texas A&M ranks the following factors as very important in their admissions process: 60% of students accepted to Texas A&M’s class of 2022 were ranked in the top 10% of their high school classes. 88% were ranked in the top 25%. Applicants to Texas A&M should take the most challenging course load that they’re capable of doing well in during high school and should aim to participate in 2-4 extracurriculars with increasing levels of commitment and leadership throughout your high school career. Texas A&M also evaluates applicants based on their volunteer work, work experience, status as a first generation college student, state residency, and application essay . While some of these factors are out of your control, you certainly can work to build a strong applicant profile in other ways.   Try to stick with your work or service work for a prolonged time. If possible, choose work or volunteer opportunities that are related to issues of personal importance or to possible career goals. Texas A&M likes to see students who are committed and grow in leadership within their communities. Of the admissions criteria ranked very important by the admissions committee, three are linked to your academic achievements. By taking challenging classes, achieving a high GPA, and attaining a solid ranking in your graduating class, you can prove to Texas A&M that you’re ready for the rigor of college academics. Your essay should be free of all grammatical, organizational, and other errors, and do a good job of representing who you are as a student, as a person, and as a member of your community. Texas A&M carefully reviews every admissions essay and weighs each in the application process. If you need help with your essay at any point, from choosing a topic to fine-tuning its organization or polishing it grammatically, don’t hesitate to contact ’s Personal Essay Specialists , who can help at any point along the way. Not everyone can get into Texas A&M. Though it can be hard to pinpoint any single reason for your rejection, ultimately it doesn’t matter exactly why you were rejected so much as what you do with your future from here. While many students might want to appeal their admissions decision or choose a second-rate college from which they can quickly apply to transfer to Texas A&M, neither of these options is your best bet. Instead, you are better off choosing a second choice school that is still a college you’d be happy to attend, with academic resources that would enrich your experience. Attending another school where you can succeed is always a great choice, and if, further down the line, you choose to transfer elsewhere, at least you have made good use of your time there. Texas A&M does accept transfer students, and their rate of acceptance is very similar to the regular admissions acceptance rate, as is the application process. You can learn more about the transfer application process on Texas A&M’s page Transfer: How to Apply .   Ã‚   For more help applying to Texas A&M or other schools on your college list, consider enlisting the help of ’s Applications Guidance service. Here, you will be paired with a personal admissions specialist from a top a college who can provide step-by-step guidance through the entire application process.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Non-Employment ADR Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Non-Employment ADR Research - Essay Example eam is made up of trained, qualified and impartial fact finding individuals, who employ their expertise in offering dispute resolution services in the company (Cheeseman, 2010). This program allows for diverse evaluation of the issue at hand. Meetings are held between the conflict parties and the open door program specialists while investigations on the same issue are done confidentially. Information gathered is then analyzed in line with the rule of law and company requirements, after which a decision is arrived at. This ADR strategy has helped Intel corporation in a number of ways. First, the program provides employees with recommendations on conflict resolution. It provides the management with a basis upon which future conflicts can be avoided, alongside offering a resolution ground for the current disputes. Workable solutions have therefore been realized through this program. The most important aspect of this program is that employee participation in all activities undertaken by the program is not penalized, and therefore employees can express their concerns without fear of being sacked. This factor has facilitated the success of Intel Corporation in its ADR. Most of this company’s disputes emerge from liability claims. The company previously used to traditionally litigate claims. This means that it engaged the courts in litigating its claims. Court procedure for resolving disputes seemed favorable for the company, but the cost of the process in terms of both time and money raised concerns. The company realized that in most cases the claims were settled before trials took place and of course not before preparation time for the case (Jennings, 2006). In this regard, the company adopted mediation strategy for its ADR. This strategy allowed the company to significantly cut on the cost of making claims as well spare time for other activities within the company that generally improved the company’s welfare in business. Risks associated with the jury trials

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Managing Change for Green Telco to Implement Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Essay

Managing Change for Green Telco to Implement Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Policy - Essay Example The company was established in 1989 and is currently performing leadership in telecommunication services in UK. It is a multi-awarded company which seeks to contribute for a greener world by engaging into environmentalism for improved biodiversity. As such, the company involved itself in tree planting activities and has committed to help offset carbon emission by supporting a renewable energy project—-the Wind Energy Generation. This report aimed to present an analytical process about how Green Telco should respond to the challenges on the need to innovate and manage changes in the implementation of operational policies targeting on significantly reducing companies’ wastes contribution and to nurture an eco-friendly workplace by using ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ principles for healthier working environment. The process will also identify alternatives that will produce a cost-efficient outcome in the administration of communications amongst its departments by adapting information technology for effective and efficient paperless administration and operations, as well as in its quality customer care. To concretely introduce changes, the company will conduct strategic organizational capacity assessment to appraise corporate performance viz-a-viz corporate vision, mission, goals, structure and its human resources capacity to actualize corporate plans. It will also evaluate corporate programs g auged on key success indicators and outcomes. Such will also ascertain how effective are its human resources in enforcing the company’s policy on â€Å"reduce, reuse and recycle† (3Rs) within specific period and to address the implication of these proposed changes. Data and information used in this report are sourced from primary and secondary sources that are accessible online. Sources are from Green Telco, journals, books, texts, and related studies. Materials are used based on its significance for managing organizational change. This document will further detail the problems of the company, key issues and proposed recommendations. The recommendations is inclusive of company’s determination of supportive plans that will strengthen human resource’s capacity; adaptation of information technology to develop paperless business operations; improve corporate business management; and strengthen organizational capacity through regular meetings, monitoring and e valuation. 1.0 Problem Identification and Analysis The world is beset with ecological problems (Johansson-Stenman, 2004). All pollution has contributed to environmental degradation which has been evidently affecting all of the civilizations that are currently confronting the impacts of climate change. In UK and like other nations,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Holy Spirit Association Essay Example for Free

The Holy Spirit Association Essay With the official name of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, the Unification Church was founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1954. By 1959, the church has already expanded to America where its international headquarter has been established. At present, the church claims that the number of Unificationists reach three million in more than a hundred countries. At the age of 16, Moon asserted that Jesus Christ appeared to him on Easter morning. Christ instructed him to finish the task Christ has started, that is, to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. He urges all religions to unify their beliefs so as to attain Gods will. However, Moons character has been questioned as well as the practices of the Unification Church. Even before establishing the Unification Church, Moon has already been accused of immoral practices. He urged the female members of his organization to have sex with him so that they would be cleansed of the influence of Satan. He was arrested for this act but was released at the end of the Korean War. In the United States, he was largely criticized for his recruitment and leadership style, as well as his ways of raising fund. Furthermore, he was convicted of tax evasion and served a prison term. Because of the free labor of his followers, Moon has a built a multimillion-dollar empire, with a number of businesses such as manufacturing, banking, publishing, pharmaceutical companies, and others. He recruited U. S. military officers by offering them business deals and political donations. From his religious power, he believes that he would be able to establish a government that would rule the world. His most distinguishing characteristic is his authoritative leadership. Whatever Moon dictates is absolute and final. Even a seed of doubt to Moon means that a person allows oneself to be part of Satans work. He believed that Adam and Eve were supposed to have a brother–sister relationship until perfection is achieved. After that, the two would have to be married and bear a child, starting the kingdom of God. This promotes the belief that the fall was a sin sexual in nature. To rinse out this sin, God gave Christ the mission to marry and to have perfect children. Unfortunately, Christ was not able to complete this earthly mission because of his death. Thus, Moon proclaims that a â€Å"third Adam† is needed to complete both spiritual and physical salvation. This third Adam would complete what Christ has been sent for to do, that is, to produce sinless children. The Unification Church believes that Moon is the third Adam who would form a perfect family; thus, his children are all sinless. This perfection would extend to members of the church by complete obedience to him. Moreover, an individual would also be salvaged by paying indemnity through fasting, recruiting, fund-raising, etc. Furthermore, Moon belied the concept of trinity in the bible. Rather, he postulates that the first trinity is composed of the third Adam (Moon), his bride, and God. People are encouraged to form their own trinities through marriage and with God. He emphasized that it is through marriage that the kingdom of God would start. Therefore, salvation is only for married people. This would also explain the mass weddings conducted by Moon, in which every couple is charged a mass fee. As blessed by God, Moon and his wife propagate true love, true life, and true marriages; thus, they refer to themselves as the True Parents. The Second Coming, he insisted, is not the coming of Christ but of the third Adam. The purpose of third Adam in the grand plan of God is to establish the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven through perfect marriage and formation of sinless children.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Choosing a Major Essay -- Argumentative Education College Essays

Choosing a Major Education is a very broad and difficult term and no two people define it the same way, but most would agree that you do get an education in college. Many colleges pride themselves on developing "well-rounded" students, and yet they make it mandatory for each student to choose one field of specified study. This seems to contradict the whole "well-rounded" idea. Education can't be confined to just academics. In fact, here is how the dictionary defines academics "very learned but inexperienced in practical matters, conforming to the traditions or rules of a school." I don't want to be "considered inexperienced in practical matters." I know the dictionary definitions aren't exactly what everyone sees as the right answer, but these definitions do give us a starting point. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines education as the process of being educated, so here is how they define educated: "to provide schooling for, to train by formal instruction and supervised practice in a skill or profession." This is close to what I have heard when asking what education is, but one thing that has been left out is the personal experiences of an individual. Most people do believe a person must have some sort of "schooling" to be considered an educated person, and this is why so many people attend colleges and universities. It is not only what you learn in class as far as "book facts," like what year someone was born or when a certain chemical was discovered, it is also how well you learn to deal with responsibility and how you can make critical decisions. To give an example, here are a few of the individual colleges' that make up the University of Arkansas, mission statements: "The mission of the College of Ed... ... Granted, he said he uses some of the things he learned, but he could have gotten those things in almost any area he could have studied. Now it is time for you to decide if you think it is contradictive to choose a major, or if it is just a part of the educational process. I have shown you the technical definitions of some of the main words or ideas in education, does your definition match up? Hopefully this essay will help you while deciding on many things within your educational journey or even while setting up educational standards for a college or university. We must think about issues like this because such an importance is put on education, so it should not be taken lightly. I guess one reason people consider it so important goes back to the saying that education is something no one can ever take away from you. Once you get it, it is yours forever.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Individual in Society

Comparative essay The elective ‘the individual in society’ explores the conflict between autonomy and the social conventions that inscribe human behaviour. All societies require conformity, and fear of rejection can allow an individual to compromise their values in order to be accepted. The social constraints of any society can only be understood within their context and both Persuasion and Muriel’s wedding explore the superficial paradigms of marriage, friendship and social class.The restrictive Georgian society in Persuasion where patriarchal institutions position women as objects of economic exchange serves to limit their individuality, whilst Muriel’s wedding offers insight into the social codes that confine the individual both emotionally and physically. When comparing both texts, the fickle nature of romance is incoherent outside of its contextual parameters. This essay also highlights the distinctive difference between the individual’s attribu tes compared to other characters. In Persuasion by Jane Austen emotional and physical boundaries are placed by society restricting individuals such as Anne.Superficial values including class, status, marriage and appearance are held with high importance for many characters such as for Sir Walter Elliot. This is shown through ‘vanity was the beginning and the end of Sir Walter Elliot’s character. Vanity of person and of situation’. The repetition ‘Vanity’ is used to exemplify Sir Walter’s pride and stupidity of ‘person’ meaning appearance and beauty and ‘situation’ meaning status. By her use of irony in his comment Anne gives a subtle moral judgement on Sir Walter, and all who possess his qualities of vanity and stupidity.In Muriel’s Wedding by PJ Hogans also depicts the importance of superficial values such as reputation among the characters. This is shown when Muriel’s friend Nicole uses satire â€Å"W e don't want you hanging around us anymore†. The use of satire adds humour to criticize Muriel’s friend exaggerated stupidity. Muriel’s friends continuously worry about the physical appearance as shown in: â€Å"We've told you a thousand times how to do your hair but you never listen. You never wear the right clothes. † Cheryl uses 1st person and 2nd person to signify the difference between them and Muriel, highlighting her isolation from the rest of the group.This adds peer pressure for Muriel to conform to be accepted by the popular group. In Muriel’s wedding the characters only find pleasure through false appearances of marriage they believe it symbolise to them that they are successful because they found someone with high status and appearance. Irony and satire is used to ridicule Sophie Lee’s foolishness that even though her husband cheated on her she continues to appreciate him because of his appearance and status as shown in â€Å"You 'v got to find people in your own level. Like i found chook.He's on my level. Marrying him was the happiest day of my life. I love him so much. That bastard! I'll show him. I'll go on this holiday and sleep with a thousand men. † Muriel is influenced by her and societies expectations of marriage. This is shown when David asks â€Å"what kind of person marries someone they don’t love? † The use of rhetorical question makes the audience consider that Muriel only married because she is obsessed with the appearance of marriage. Marriage in this film equates to acceptance from society because it reflects success.This limits her individuality until the final scenes her true sense of worth comes back after her mother dies that she finally realises that she has not been truthful she repeats the use of first person â€Å"i† to signify the continues lies she has told â€Å"i can’t marry to you, David. I have to stop lying now. I’ve told so many lies. I don’t love you†. In the end she accepts her individuality and is confident within herself and says â€Å"goodbye† to different locations of Porpoise Spit to symbolise that she is free from all the emotional restrictions that Porpoise Spit had placed on her.Unlike Muriel, Rhonda is confident with herself and does not attempt to fit in. She is different from the girls physically and emotionally. The Sophie Lee characters wear similar bright coloured clothes the flamboyant colours of their costume may reflect that they are seeking attention and the similarity in design and colours between the girls’ dresses, hair styles, personality show they are attempting to belong in a group and shows no individuality. Whereas in contrasts to Rhonda’s dark black cropped hair is in difference to Sophie lee, her friends and Muriel.Her character also depicts that she is an individual as she is outspoken and honest. This is shown when she says â€Å"Nicole’s h aving an affair with Chook. Muriel saw them fucking in the laundry room on your wedding day. Stick your drink up your ass, Tania! I'd rather swallow razor blades than have a drink with you. Oh, by the way†¦ I'm not alone. I'm with Muriel. † Her confidence is portrayed through the use of coarse, upfront language and that she tells the truth.The symbol â€Å"razor blades† also portrays this confidence that she is so self-assured that she looks at them as beneath her she exaggerates her opinion of them through this symbol. In conclusion there are many pressures within each society in Muriel’s wedding and Persuasion which confine the individuals Anne and Muriel. There are many factors considered that show Muriel and Anne as individual. Anne does not derive the same pleasure as others in her Georgian society from superficial values such as status, wealth and appearance.In an often satirical portrait of the men and, women Austen subtly and ironically points out fa ults in the system, raising questions about the values of English society and the power structure of the country. Similarly Muriel is also an individual as she does not belong but attempts to conform within the late 20th century suburbia social codes. At the final scenes of the movie she realises that she has told many lies and accepts her individuality. Muriel is an outcast and an individual in the initial scenes of the film. She attempts to conform within the group.This is portrayed when the group rejects her because she is so different from them but Muriel says â€Å"Listen, i know I’m not normal, but i’m tryin to change. † This depicts her desperation to be in the group and low self-esteem, as she even considers herself as worthless using the description â€Å"not normal†. Patriarchal society in which men held the economic and social power. In restrictive Georgian society women attempt to gain a livelihood through a successful marriage which constrain ts Anne to marry her true love Wentworth as he does not have status nor wealth.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Theological Virtues of Faith

The theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity furnish a strong basis for all other virtues. The cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, are the foundation of all moral virtues. The theological virtues define our relations with God; the moral virtues define our relations with ourselves and our fellowmen. If we have these virtues, we are on the way to perfection. | 43. Moral Virtues Are there any other virtues besides the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity? –Besides the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, there are other virtues, called moral virtues. . These virtues are called moral virtues because they dispose us to lead  moral, or good lives, by aiding us to treat persons and things in the right way, that is, according to the will of God. Moral virtues are opposed to the capital sins. For example,  humility  is opposed to pride;  liberality  is opposed to avarice;  chastity  is opposed to lust;  meekness  and  patience  are opposed to anger;  temperance  is opposed to gluttony;  brotherly love  is opposed to envy: and  zeal  and  diligence  in what is good are opposed to sloth. 2. Moral virtues are an outgrowth and  completion  of the theological virtues.The theological virtues perfect our interior being; the moral virtues perfect our  exterior. If we sincerely strive after these virtues, we are on the road to perfection. The theological virtues affect our relations with God; the moral virtues affect our relations with our neighbor and our own selves. For example, faith makes us believe in the existence of God. Temperance makes us regulate our appetites. Which are the chief moral virtues? –The chief moral virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance; these are called cardinal virtues.All other moral virtues spring from the cardinal virtues. These are called  cardinal  from  cardo, the Latin word for  hinge, because all our moral a ctions turn on them as a door turns upon its hinges. All other moral virtues depend on them. How do prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance dispose us to lead good lives? –Prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance dispose us to lead good lives, as indicated below: 1. Prudence  disposes us in all circumstances to form right judgments about what we must do or not do. It teaches us when and how to act in matters relating to our eternal salvation. Prudence perfects the intelligence, which is the power of forming judgments; for this virtue, knowledge and experience are important. Prudence shows us how to leave earthly things in order to earn riches for eternity. It is the eye of the soul, for it tells us what is good and what is evil. It is like a compass that directs our course in life. It is opposed to worldly wisdom. â€Å"Be prudent therefore and watchful in prayers† (1 Pet. 4:7).Prudence is a virtue of the understanding. 2. Justice  disposes us to give ever yone what belongs to him. -It teaches us to give what is due to God and to man. It makes us willing to live according to the commandments. Justice perfects the will and safeguards the rights of man: his right to life, freedom, honor, good name, sanctity of the home, and external possessions. The just man is an upright man. He gives to every one his due: he gives God worship; the authorities, obedience; his subordinates, rewards and punishments; and his equals, brotherly love. Render to all men whatever is their due; tribute to whom tribute is due; taxes to whom taxes are due; fear to whom fear is due; honor to whom honor is due† (Rom. 13:7). 3. Fortitude  disposes us to do what is good in spite of any difficulty. -It gives us strength to do good and avoid evil in spite of all obstacles and afflictions. We possess fortitude when we are not hindered by ridicule, threats, or persecution from doing what is right; when we are ready, if necessary, to suffer death. The greatest for titude is shown by  bearing great suffering  rather than undertaking great works.No saint was ever a coward. The martyrs had fortitude. 4. Temperance  disposes us to control our desires and to use rightly the things which please our senses. -It regulates our judgment and passions, so that we may make use of temporal things only in so far as they are necessary for our eternal salvation. We have temperance when we eat and drink only what is necessary to sustain life, preserve health, and fulfill our duties. We should strive to be like St. Francis of Sales, who said: â€Å"I desire very little, and that little I desire but little. However, temperance does not consist in refusing or denying ourselves what is necessary, thus unfitting ourselves for good works. Which are some of the other moral virtues? –Filial piety  and  patriotism, which dispose us to honor, love, and respect our parents and our country. It is, however, no virtue but a sin if we are so prejudiced in f avor of our parents that we find no good in others; or if we are so â€Å"patriotic† that we see no good in other nations. The division and mutual antagonisms of nations and peoples in which certain ones rofess to find themselves as â€Å"superior† can certainly not please God; from them come war and revenge. God is Father of all nations and peoples, without exception. 1. Obedience, which disposes us to do the will of our superiors. Obedience consists not only in  doing  what is commanded by our superior, but in being  willing to do  what is commanded. One who grumbles and murmurs while doing what his mother asks him to do is not obedient. Obedience is a virtue only when one subjects his will to that of another for God's sake, not for material or natural motives.Christ is the model of obedience, for He obeyed completely and lovingly, even to the death of the Cross. â€Å"An obedient man shall speak of victory† (Prov. 21:28). 2. Veracity, which disposes u s to tell the truth. We should always be truthful, as children of God, Who is Truth itself. Veracity, however, does not require us to reveal secrets, or to reply to questions about which the questioner has no right to ask. In cases such as these, we should either remain silent, or return an evasive answer. â€Å"Wherefore, put away lying, and speak truth each one with his neighbor, because we are members of one another† (Eph. :25). 3. Patience, which disposes us to bear up under trials and difficulties. In sickness and ill fortune, in the difficulties of our occupations, in our weaknesses, let us have serenity of mind, for the love of God: â€Å"And bear fruit in patience† (Luke 8:15). â€Å"Be patient in tribulation, persevering in prayer† (Rom. 12:12). Besides these, there are many other moral virtues. Religion  is the highest moral virtue, since it disposes us to offer to God the worship that is due Him. Religion is classed under the virtue of justice.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

resevoir dogs essays

resevoir dogs essays "I don't give a fuck what you know or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's so amusing for me to torture a cop. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you This guy was the most twisted and sickly perverted guy in the whole movie. He had no reservations about killing people. He was brutal. He loved torture and death. By his own admission he liked to see the peoples' expressions when they died. He was totally ruthless. He had no conscience. I can't really explain why I liked this character so much. I don't EVER want to be like him or do the things he did. There was just something attractive about all his negative personality traits. Before he really getting into torturing the cop, he casually turns on the radio as if he some music to accompany the grizzly acts he was about to commit. He was a man who insisted on having total control. He liked controlling situations and people. When they were in the jewelry store he advised the employees not to hit the alarm. When they did, he started them. This was his way of regaining control of the situation. At the same he was acting out this concept, he was actually totally out of control. He went fucking crazy in the store. He slaughtered the people lined up in the store like he was shooting clay ducks in a local carnival shooting gallery. I know this is a contradiction, but Mr. Blonde was a contradiction of himself. He had double standards. He hated the cop just because he was a cop. He didn't recognize him as a real person. Mr. Pink and Mr. White confirm this at the warehouse when they discuss him shooting REAL people, which cops are not. They say he just went crazy. They seemed to fear his craziness. His calm facade was a cover for the monstrous things he did to ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Political Communication in the Electronic Age Essay

Political Communication in the Electronic Age - Essay Example Few people write letters or read the newspapers anymore as these are seemingly archaic methods of communication and have the added disadvantage of costing money, regardless of how little this sum might actually be.   â€Å"Nowadays, we think nothing of emailing our aunts in Germany and getting an answer back within minutes, or seeing the latest streaming video full of up to the minute news† (Boswell, 2006).   Neither letter-writing nor newspaper delivery can provide the instant information that is today essential for businesses in the modern world to compete effectively and simply a fact of life that is taken for granted for most in the developed world.   This fact alone has changed the way in which the politicians of the world must reach out to their constituency if they expect to gain support.   People, the public at large as well as politicians, are now turning to alternative forms of receiving information, such as blogs, video blogs, webcasts, chatrooms and listser vs.   However, this introduces new challenges in determining just how to determine credible sources from noncredible and just how far the internet should be allowed to go in terms of free speech and expression.   Decency, censorship, free speech, ethicsOne of the controversial aspects of the internet and instant posting is that the internet provides a means of gathering news that has not necessarily been filtered through the many regulations and restrictions imposed by national or state boundaries.   This is primarily due to the fact that the internet itself is not regulated.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ground Combat Vehicle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ground Combat Vehicle - Research Paper Example It was designed and developed by a combination of proficient and highly qualified engineers. Ground combat vehicles are acquired through a special process known as the testing and evaluation. Departments of defense have in the recent past been keen on the application of Test and Evaluation (T & E) in acquisition of ground combat vehicles in the automobile industry. The process of evaluation takes a systematic review on three major documents related to the technical conditions of the vehicle before acquisition. The first document is the statement of objectives, which contains the parameters for ensuring that the combat vehicles are able to satisfy the objectives for which it is acquired. The next document is the statement of work. Statement of work contains information related to the working conditions of the vehicle. It seeks to confirm if the technical specification of the vehicle satisfies the requirements for the specified task and the possible life span. The United States of America has been in the process of acquiring major programs that is expected to replace the fragments of the Future Combat systems (FCS). An illustration to this is where the eight versions of the track controlled Ground Vehicle are replaced by the FCS. The US Federal Army is presently in the process of acquiring new combat vehicles to be produced under the Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program presently under formulation. TRADOC Company and Ft. Monroe are presently preparing a map for the capability-gaps that exist in the today situation and the future requirements. The requirement in this project is a single common vehicle. Alternatively, it can be satisfied by many types of Ground Combat Vehicles. The last evaluation of this study came out in the month of September 2009 and it was very critical because it helped in bringing very critical information to the limelight, and this benefited many people. The review of this program was also very vital